Changhua Christian Hospital Awarded 5-Star Hospital Award by Patient Safety Movement Foundation for Efforts to Eliminate Preventable Deaths
Changhua , Taiwan (2021/9/11) - The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) presented Changhua Christian Hospital with the Foundation’s 5-Star Hospital award for making commitments in alignment with the PSMF’s evidence-based Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS). These APSS address patient safety challenges that hospitals are facing daily and offer solutions designed to help hospitals eliminate preventable patient deaths.
彰基醫學中心院長陳穆寬教授與美國病人安全運動基金會執行長David B. Mayer 博士
美國病人安全運動基金會執行長David B. Mayer 博士談到〝在美國,每年超過20萬的病人死於可避免的醫療錯誤,全球則有300萬病人,這些數字是無法令人想像與接受。我們五星醫院獎是認為那些願意承諾邁向「零」醫療傷害導致的病人死亡的醫院,能夠展現醫院領導者為其它願意遵循實證照護和醫療的醫院樹立典範〞
“Each year, more than 200,000 patients die from preventable hospital errors in the U.S., and 3 million across the globe. Those numbers are simply not acceptable and unthinkable,” said Dr. David Mayer, PSMF CEO. “Our 5-Star Award acknowledges the commitment these organizations have made toward achieving ZERO preventable deaths. The leadership demonstrated by these leaders is a model others can follow in instituting best practices in patient care.”
誠如美國病人安全運動基金會創辦人Joe Kiani所言,〝我們了解到實施病人安全行動方案,作為全面性的病人安全計畫,有助於消除療傷害導致的病人死亡。透過方案的實施,彰化基督教醫院展現具體的承諾來邁向此目標〞
“We know that implementing the APSS, as a part of a comprehensive patient safety program, helps hospitals eliminate preventable deaths. By implementing the APSS, Changhua Christian Hospital has shown an incredible commitment to eliminating the leading causes of preventable patient deaths in hospitals,” explained Joe Kiani, Founder of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.
Joe Kiani繼續談到,〝我們感到非常欣慰,彰化基督教醫院已經採取行動和領導力,期盼尚未加入此方案的醫院能夠因彰化基督教醫院勇於承諾的行動得到激勵。因為實施病人安全行動方案並非易事,但是是對且值得做的事。人會犯錯,但是不要把能夠避免醫療錯誤導致病人死亡的作業棄之不顧,這是不人道的〞
Mr. Kiani continued, “We are incredibly proud of the leadership and action that Changhua Christian Hospital has taken and hope that other hospitals will be inspired by Changhua Christian Hospital’s bold commitment to action. Implementing all of the Actionable Patient Safety Solutions is not easy to do, but the right thing to do. To err is human, but to not put in place processes that can avoid errors from becoming fatal to patients is inhumane.”
誠如彰化基督教醫院陳穆寬院長所言,〝彰基很榮幸榮獲美國病人安全運動基金會五星醫院獎,全球共有11家醫院獲獎,彰基是亞洲區第一家獲獎醫院。感謝台灣病人安全推廣同好會詹廖明義總顧問代表美國病人安全運動基金會頒發此證書及美國病人安全運動基金會CEO, David Mayer對彰化基督教醫院的勉勵,彰化基督教醫院定會秉持病人安全的承諾,讓病人免於醫療傷害。〞
“We are humbled and honored to have the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, 5-Star Hospital Award. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation has presented awards to 11 hospitals worldwide, and Changhua Christian Hospital is the first one in Asia. We sincerely thank Dr. Mingi Chan Liao as an ambassador of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation for the encouragement from CEO David Mayer. All the staff in Changhua Christian Hospital will uphold the patient safety commitment to preventing harm that occurs to our patients, ” said Dr. Mu-Kuan Chen, Superintendent of Changhua Christian Hospital.
About Changhua Christian Hospital: Changhua Christian Hospital was founded by English Rev. C. Campbell Moody and Dr. David Landsborough III in 1896. After more than one hundred years of evolution and growth, CCH has become the most historic medical center in central Taiwan and only one in Changhua County. Upholds the spirits of Christ Jesus' selfless dedication and humble service; CCH continually strives for innovative medical research and outstanding medical quality and provides comprehensive care to our patients.
美國病人安全運作基金會:在美國,每年超過20萬的病人死於可避免的醫療錯誤,全球則有300萬病人。美國病人安全運作基金會是一個全球非營利性組織,以2030年消除全球性醫療傷害導致的病人死亡為願景。美國病人安全運作基金會整合病人、有志於提倡病人安全者、醫療照護者、醫療科技公司、政府機關和支持病人安全的贊助者和人員。從病人安全行動方案和產業開放資料誓言,到世界病人安全科技高峰會等,美國病人安全運作基金會不會停止努力,直到達到「零」醫療傷害導致的病人死亡。更多的資訊請參閱美國病人安全運作基金會相關網站 www.patientsafetymovement.org 和社群媒體LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook。
About the Patient Safety Movement Foundation: Each year, more than 200,000 people die in U.S. hospitals and more than three million globally as a result of unsafe care. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) is a global non-profit with a vision to eliminate preventable patient harm and death across the globe by 2030. PSMF unites patients, advocates, healthcare providers, medical technology companies, government, employers and private payers in support of this cause. From its Actionable Patient Safety Solutions and industry Open Data Pledge to its World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit and more, PSMF won’t stop fighting until it achieves zero. For more information, please visit patientsafetymovement.org, and follow PSMF on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
For more information about the 5-Star hospital program,
please visit: https://patientsafetymovement.org/partners/5-star-hospital-program/