CCH International Medical Center

General Resources

Patients' Rights

1.All inpatients shall have equal access to appropriate medical service regardless of type of illness, sex, ethnicity, place of residence, socioeconomic status, and age.

2.Every hospital employee is required to display name badge or personal identification. Patients reserve the right to refuse medical services proffered by unidentifiable personnel who fails to display identification.

3.Upholding the concept of “patient-centered medical care”, the staff physicians are obligated to explain to the hospitalized patient or the accompanying family information regarding the patient's condition, major laboratory and diagnostic findings, treatment plan, prognosis, alternative treatment options, and risks of therapeutic measures.

4.The hospital encourages all patients to question and seek explanations from staff physicians or other hospital personnel to clarify any issues concerning the services they provide.

5.If the patient is to undergo surgical treatment, the hospital requires the patient, the patient's spouse, the patient's immediate family members, or a representative person to sign consent for the operation and anesthesia, after the staff physician has explained the reason for the operation, the success rate of the operation, and its potential complications and risks. The operation and anesthesia will proceed only after consent has been obtained from the patient, the patient's spouse, immediate family members, or a representative person. However, if urgently required for the salvage of patient's life, the operation may proceed without consent, as dictated by the Medical Care Act.

6.The hospital is obligated by law to protect the privacy of the patient in regard to the patient's condition, state of health, and any other private information. The patient may request the hospital to withhold information of patient's hospitalization from the public.

7.The hospital may appropriately disclose the patient's condition to the patient's immediate family members or accompanying family upon request. If the patient wishes to withhold such information from a specified family member, a written request may be submitted to the nurse station or the attending physician for further arrangement.

8.In accordance with policies on The Hospice Palliative Care Act, Changhua Christian Hospital has made available the following declaration forms to safeguard your autonomy: "Advance Directive for Palliative End-of-Life Care", "Withdrawal of Consent for Palliative End-of-Life Care", "Do-Not-Resuscitate Consent Form", "Withdrawal of Consent for Do-Not-Resuscitate", and "Appointment of Durable Power of Attorney", and “Withdrawal of Appointment for Durable Power of Attorney”. Forms may be obtained and signed at nurse stations. Such declarations allow physicians to withhold aggressive therapies or resuscitation and provide only palliative, supportive therapeutic measures to relieve or avoid pain and discomfort, according to the wishes of patients with incurable terminal illnesses.

9.To advocate perpetuation of life through altruistic actions and to support national health policies, Changhua Christian Hospital has made available the "Organ Donation Consent Form" for hospitalized patients. Such form declares the patient's wish regarding organ donation and fully informs the patient's family of the decision.

10.Since Changhua Christian Hospital is a teaching hospital, patients are earnestly requested to cooperate in teaching activities for the promotion of medical education and cultivation of qualified medical personnel. But patients reserve the right to refuse laboratory exams, tests, or any activity unrelated to their treatment. Such refusal shall not have any impact on the attitude of the hospital staff towards the patients or the quality of care they provide.

11.Any comment concerning hospitalization services of the hospital may be submitted to the hospital (by telephone:886-4-7238595 extension 3925, email to, or filling out the “Patient's Comments” form at the Information Desk).

Patients' Responsibilities

1.Patients and their families are requested to respect medical personnel, avoiding inappropriate behaviors (e.g. sexual harassment, verbal or physical violence).

2.Patients and their families are requested to provide patient's true identity, sharingaccurate and complete information about health status, history of illness, history of drug allergy, current medications, travel history and any infectious diseases.

3.Comply with the treatment sequence arranged by medical team according to the severity of illness for patients seeking medical attention.

4.Obligated to understand the explanation on patient's condition, major laboratory and diagnostic findings, treatment plan,prognosis, alternative treatment options and risks of therapeutic measures, choosing treatment measures based on the abovementioned contents.

5.Patients shall voluntarilyquestion and seek explanations from physicians or other hospital personnel to clarify any issues concerning the services they provide.

6.Participate in and follow the treatment plan developed by medical team, thoroughly discussing with medical team in case of any amendment required on treatment plan.

7.Comply with the hospital's other regulations, notices, precautions and operating procedures concerning medical care based on the requirements for illness treatment or healthcare facility management.

8.No any animals shall be allowed to be carried into the hospital except for guide dogs.

9.Dangerous goods and prohibited items are forbidden from carrying into the hospital.

10.Obligations for payment of all medical bills.