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13.   移植後糖尿病的診斷與藥物治療  2018.08.13

Diagnosis and Treatment of Post-Transplantation Diabetes Mellitus

作者:王奕山(Yi-Shan Wang);邱炳芳(Ping-Fang Chiu);王心榆(Hsin-Yu Wang)

As improving of medical care, patients with end-stage renal disease have several modalities as renal replacement therapy. In addition to dialysis, renal transplantations are growing greatly and obtain much better quality of daily life. However, it still carries some complications including rejection, infection and malignancy. High blood sugar after transplantation is also one of the common complications. Hyperglycemia leads to metabolic abnormalities, increase the incidence of hyperlipidemia and hypertension, and accelerate renal injury and increase the chance of infection. New classes of hypoglycemic agents can be applied to such patients, but attention should be paid to those adverse reactions and the use of limitations, this article will focus on the choice of drugs for post-transplant diabetes.



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