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13.   第二次腎臟移植的近況與發展  2018.08.13

Long-Term Outcome on Second Kidney Transplantations

作者:張登翔(Teng-Hsiang Chang);張家築(Chia-Chu Chang);邱炳芳(Pin-Fang Chiou)

Renal transplantation is an optimal treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In general, a successful primary (i.e., first) kidney transplantation (KT) provides substantially longer survival and better quality of life than dialysis with similar characteristics. Despite short-term graft survival has improved in the past decade, long-term graft survival is still limited. The average survival of a KT is 8.8 years for deceased and 12 years for living donor transplants. Therefore, we are seeing an increasing number of patients being relisted for a second KT worldwide as most KT patients will eventually face graft failure. The aim of this study was to discuss the management of the graft loss patient, and long-term outcomes of second kidney transplantations and risk factors predictive of second KT outcome.

出處:腎臟與透析;30卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01),P6 - 9


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